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17. December 2015 – 11. November 2016
17. December 2015 at 17:00

In year 2015  we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Museum of Post and Telecommunications, which is the result of many years of collaboration between Pošta Slovenije, Telekom Slovenije, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Technical Museum of Slovenia.  To honour this jubilee and introduce to the general public all the important milestones of the last 30 years, the temporary exhibition 30 Years of the Museum of Post and Telecommunications was opened on Thursday, 17 12. 2015, in the Museum of Post and Telecommunications in Polhov Gradec.
The first attempts for an organised and comprehensive study of the history of post and telecommunications in Slovenia go back to the 1980s when the historians and employees of PTT (at the time the national provider of post and telephone services) began to study and collect objects and memories. The aspiration for a museum of post and telecommunications was realised in 1982 with the foundation of a special division for post and telecommunications at the Škofja Loka Museum. Three years later, the collection came under the auspices of the Technical Museum of Slovenia as the Muzej PTT Slovenije. Located in Stara Loka Castle, Škofja Loka, it opened its door to visitors in 1988. In 2008, the Museum of Post and Telecommunications was moved to the Polhov Gradec Castle, which housed the revised and upgraded permanent collection.
The jubilee exhibition presents the history of the museum, the first exhibits that arrived at the museum from the Škofja Loka museum, the history of post in independent Slovenia, the division of the former company PTT Slovenije and the relocation of the permanent collection to Polhov Gradec. Our youngest visitors are able to learn about the work in the museum in a dedicated children’s corner. The Slovenian Philatelic Association participates at the exhibition with its collections.

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