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In honor of the 30th anniversary of Slovenia’s independence, the Museum of Post and Telecommunications complemented its permanent exhibition with the postage stamps and drafts from this crucial period, as well as open a temporary exhibition It happened 30 years ago.

Preparations for independence and the process of the Slovenian postal  service integration in the international network, are one of the most important milestones in the history of our national post. Put on display are both official and “private” stamps that were issued between  the plebiscite in December 1990 and December 1991. The collection includes the Sovereignty stamps from 1990 and the first day cover in honor of the plebiscite, the Independence of Slovenia stamp and the drafts designed by Grega Košak, non-selected drafts of the first definitive Slovenian postage stamps and the first definitive stamps issued in December 1991.

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