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From December 1, 2023 to January 8, 2024, you can see the exhibition Knowledge Without Frontiers in the “Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Coast Rijeka”. The exhibition is part of a successful temporary exhibition from 2018, which was awarded with the Valvasor award for unique achievements to project leaders dr. Estera Cerar and Irena Marušič.

The exhibition presents a selection of successful innovators and scientists from the fields of science and technology who, for various reasons, left the world or were carried away by their journey to Slovenian soil. You will meet the author of the first printed books in the Slovenian language Primož Trubar, the enlightener Sigmund (Žigo) Zois, the physicist with an artistic soul Jožef Stefan, the Nobel laureate Friderik Pregl, the great adventurer Antonio Codelli, the conservationist Angela Piskernik, the father of ski flights Stanko Bloudek, the first space architect Herman Potočnik Noordung, Silicon Valley pioneer France Rode, Voyager engineer Anton Mavretic and astronaut Sunita L. Williams.

Exhibition highlights the positive impact of migration on society, and aims to show a strong link between technical and scientific heritage on one side, and cultural and national identity, on the other.

The hosting was made possible by PPMHP and ZTK ̶ Zajednica tehničke kulture Rijeka.

(photo: B. Juršič)

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