Man and food in a perpetual cycle
03.12.2021 - 31.12.2022
At the temporary exhibition Man and food in a perpetual cycle, we spotlighted food – something so mundane but so necessary – that has always influenced every aspect of every Earthling’s life. We looked into our collections and found a whole range of intriguing objects that have never been presented before regarding the use and development of technology in the food chain. The exhibition is also somewhat a tribute to the prestigious title Slovenia – European Region of Gastronomy 2021.
The primary need for food constantly drives people towards new technological solutions in producing and processing essential foodstuffs. Man has made various efforts to store and preserve food throughout history because their survival has depended on it. Not long ago, self-sufficiency, recycling, and reuse were part of everyday life. However, new technologies have changed food habits and enabled different ways of survival. Progress has also brought negative aspects, such as pollution from artificial fertilizers, large amounts of packaging waste, the issues of municipal sewage and food waste.
The exhibition aims to highlight historical and technological developments, innovations in food production, preparation and consumption, the impact of the food chain on the environment, and people’s relation to food today. By pointing to the importance of sustainable development, the circular economy, reuse, and recycling, we are both going back in time and looking into the future.
We all have a responsibility to reduce the negative impact on the environment through our actions and choices.
The temporary exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue: Man and food in a perpetual cycle
Project leader: Irena Marušič
Authors of the exhibition: Ajda Kozjek, Irena Marušič, Ana Katarina Ziherl
Expert assistance: Janez Bogataj
Design: Sonja Ifko
Graphic design: Ajda Bevc
Language editing and translation: Melita Silič
Exhibits and visual material: Technical museum of Slovenia
Video material: Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Technical museum of Slovenia
PR and marketing: Urša Vodopivec
Restoration: Dejan Banovič, Darko Gostiša, Marjan Lušina, Nejc Stupan, Pika Škerlj, Boštjan Troha, Katja Uršič Blažič, Mojca Zver, Matej Žganjar
Technical assistance: Jaka Blasutto, Barbara Hrovatin, Izidor Iljaš, Božo Mole, Andrej Petkovšek, Bernard Petrovčič, Matjaž Rot, Aleksander Šenekar, Uroš VrhovecPrint: Altos d.o.o.
Special thanks to: Komunala Kranj, Komunalno podjetje Vrhnika d. o. o., , ZEOS d. o. o.
The project was made possible by the Technical museum of Slovenia and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.