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On the ”Night has its might”, which will take place on 27th November exclusively online, we would like to invite you to visit our museum Facebook page, where we will post interesting videos on some of the biggest curiosities in our museum and on interesting facts about the history of our institutions. We will present, what kind of food the astronauts eat in space and some of the most important devices designed by the inventor Nikola Tesla.

On 27th November you may reach us on our Facebook social media sites.

Technical Museum of Slovenia: https://www.facebook.com/TehniskiMuzejSlovenije/

Museum of Post and Telecommunications: https://www.facebook.com/MuzejPT/


Program (TMS Bistra, https://www.facebook.com/TehniskiMuzejSlovenije/):

7:30 – Good morning with storytelling for children and ”here is something about the history of Bistra near Vrhnika”

10:30 – Morning curiosities from our museum collections

11:30 – As an appetizer: Astronauts’ food!

3 Nekaj o astronavtski hrani

17:00 – In the afternoon a little something about the oldest Slovenian robots

4 Za popoldne nekaj o najstarejsih slovenskih robotih

20:00 – Evening with Nikola Tesla’s inventions

21:00 – In the end – Storytelling for children and adults



Program (MPT, https://www.facebook.com/MuzejPT/):

From 8:00 until 22:00 videos on the history of Polhov Gradec and on the oldest Slovenian automatic telephone exchange system will be available on the museum Facebook page. We will also present homemade videos made with horse chestnut using stop motion animation.


In the EU project ”Night has its might” The House of Experiments, The Insitute ”Jožef Stefan”, The National Institute of Chemistry, The National Biology Insitute and The Technical Museum of Slovenia are collaborating as partners. We invite you to visit the project website to find out more about the program of the ”Night has its might” on the 27th November of partner institutions: https://www.nocmoc.eu/

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