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19. May 2018 at 09:30, 17. November 2018 at 09:30

Each participant brings along a small and simple object that requires restoration so that they will be able to put their acquired knowledge to practice.

The museum restoration technician first gives an introduction of the museum restoration and conservation ethics. Together with the participants he determines the state of the objects that participants brought along. For each specific object he explains the procedure for its restoration.

Introduction is followed by practical work in the workroom. Each participant carries out initial methods for the restoration of the object. They finish with the restoration of the object at home following the instruction of the museum restoration technician.

The workshop is conducted by Drago Štimec.

Price: 20,00 €/person.

For adults only. Please bring working overall.

Advance booking is obligatory at least 4 days before the workshop. Places are limited. You can book by phone 01 750 66 72 or e-mail: programi@tms.si

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