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On Friday 18th May 2018, as part of International Museum Day, you are invited to a very special presentation of two European projects which involve The Technical Museum of Slovenia. We asked the participating artist to use, interpret and then present in the museum environment some of the sounds recorded within the projects ‘Sounds of Changes’ and ‘ICYDK – In Case You Didn’t Know’.

Gašper Torkar is an artist working with sound and poetry. In 2013 LUD Literature published his first book of poems ‘Podaljšano bivanje’, and in 2017 issued his first music production ‘Dreams of Others’ on the Kamizdat label. He composes music under his own name for various contexts, from clubs, theatres and multimedia.

Sound is an indispensable part of our working and everyday life. It is omnipresent, whether we perceive it or not. Sound represents an important perspective when we want to experience, explore, restore and understand different landscapes, environments and cultural heritage. For this reason we must record and preserve sounds from different parts of Europe in order to be able to explore and deepen our understanding of history, to educate others and help make it possible for younger generations to discover European industrial and social history in new and exciting ways.

In collaboration with museums from Sweden, Germany, Finland and Poland, The Technical Museum of Slovenia is taking part in the European project ‘Sounds of Changes’. The aim of the project is to collect sounds from lost and also contemporary working environments across Europe and create a publicly accessible database of these recordings. Special focus is given to the recording of “endangered” sounds which were once part of our lives, but which are slowly fading into silence.

“The recordings created within the project are an excellent starting point to discover a foreign soundscape – the past. Each recording contains its own physical space, weight, movement and significance. Through specific modes of listening they are also a kind of music in themselves, but when you add into the process modern digital devices and composition techniques, then it is possible to reveal hidden worlds which have their own weight, movement and space. In these foreign and yet still accessible worlds meaning is formed in new and unknown ways.”

“For composition No. 1, I mainly used a broad palette of metal sounds ranging from small devices and tools to larger industrial plants. I found them interesting in particular because of their rich texture and the possibilities for processing them further.”

“For composition No. 2, I focused on the sounds of a typewriter and an imaginary atmosphere evoked by its virtuosity; these sounds are extended and made more profound with a piano.”

In this information age with fast-flowing information, intellectual property within the context of music is a multi-layered concept. The internet is the space where information is now primarily present, and this can either be an arena for illegal expropriation through pirate downloading, or a place of empowerment for individuals and smaller music labels. The internet provides tools and platforms for autonomous operation which bypasses most traditional “doorkeepers” and agents. In many countries, the once omnipresent pirating of music has been replaced by paid, but at the same time affordable, models of operation. These (at least in principal) guarantee fair compensation for the authors and respect their copyrights in the field of music. Despite constant interventions of capital, ever new and fairer models of distribution are being developed which connect artists with their listeners and users.”

Deli to zgodbo!