Demonstration of Nikola Tesla’s experiments
19.09.2021 @ 11:00 - 12:00
The experiments of inventor Nikola Tesla, presented by the demonstrator on functioning exhibits, encompass a very interesting and appealing part of the Electrical Engineering collection. The group is initially presented with a short biography of Nikola Tesla and afterwards witnesses the functioning of the following devices accompanied by the demonstrator’s explanation:
• direct current engine,
• demonstration model of three-phase electromotor,
• generator of rotating magnetic field with a plate,
• generator of rotating magnetic field with a metal egg,
• model of Tesla’s voltage transformer 100.000 V,
• model of Tesla’s voltage transformer 1.000.000 V,
• Van de Graaff’s generator of static electricity,
• plasma globe.
Sunday’s events can be viewed with the purchase of the museum ticket.
Advance booking is obligatory:, 01 750 6670. Fulfilling RVT conditions is compulsory for visitors older than 15 year.