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With a unique collection of the industrial robots made in Slovenia, we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the start of operation of the first industrial robot in the country and the centenary of the first use of the word robot.

At the temporary exhibition “ROBOT.SI; The origins of industrial robotics in Slovenia” we are looking for the answers to what a robot is and explaining the origin of the word through the legendary collective drama “R.U.R.” by Karel Čapek. However, the main focus is on the beginnings of the Slovenian industrial robotics.

In the early 1980s, robotics in Slovenia boomed; however, with the formation of the independent state the situation changed. In fact, the construction of domestic robots was no longer cost-effective, but this did not prevent research and development in this area, or advanced study at Slovenian faculties.
The use of robots in industry was constantly increasing, and with the arrival of the company Yaskawa to Kočevje, industrial robots were first manufactured in the territory of Slovenia. Robotics has made remarkable progress, and today Slovenian experts are equal partners in the international community. The credit undoubtedly goes to extensive knowledge and experience of many domestic pioneers in this area of expertise.
Robots first replaced workers at workplaces which were most detrimental to human health, hence the reaction was initially positive. However, when the introduction of robots in production became profit-motivated, people began to feel insecure and afraid of losing their jobs. All in all, robotization provided new jobs, which are fewer in number and require a higher degree of education. The pool of highly qualified experts increased, and university courses in the field of robotics played a key role in that. In Slovenia, they were introduced at an early stage and they still allow our experts to compete with their colleagues from more developed countries.

The smaller version of the exhibition is on view from July 2021 to the end of December 2022 in another exhibition space in Bistra.

On display from 18th September 2020 until 31st December 2021.

Riko Stefan 106 GORO 102
Robot Riko 106  Robot GORO 102


Author of the exhibition & project manager: dr. Orest Jarh
Authoresses of the exhibition: mag. Katarina Batagelj, Ajda Kozjek, Barbara Rezar Grilc, Ana Katarina Ziherl
Expert assistance: Erih Arko, dr. Karel Jezernik, Zlatko Katalenić, dr. Hubert Kosler, dr. Alojz Kralj, dr. Zlatko Matjačić, dr. Marko Munih, dr. Danijel Skočaj, dr. Uroš Janez Stanič, dr. Rok Vrabič, Rudi Zorko, dr. Leon Žlajpah, Boris Žnidarič
Interactions for children: Ajda Kozjek, Ana Katarina Ziherl
Slovenian editing & English translation: Melita Silič
Design: ekipa Helikopterdesign
Participating institutions: Institut Jožef Stefan, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo Univerze v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Univerze v Mariboru, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani, Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut RS Soča, INEA d.o.o., Elektrotehniška zveza Slovenije, Slovenski gledališki inštitut, Yaskawa Slovenija
Illustrations: Matjaž Dekleva
Programming: Jasmin Talundžič

The exhibition was made possible by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.

Thanks to the companies Yaskawa Slovenija and Čarman Šport for their support.


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