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Museums on a Summer Night at the Technical Museum of Slovenia in Bistra and at the Museum of Post and Telecommunications in Polhov Gradec

Technical Museum of Slovenia in Bistra:

18.00–20.00: Kočevje Business Incubator presents Kubo robots, workshop for children and families
19.00:  Slovenian folk tales, storytelling group Tu in tam
19.30–21.00: Engineering and sport, demonstration of tailoring with France Turnšek
21.00: Chicarito Jazz Quartet concert, part of the Festivala Glasbena fabr’ka

pasica TMS

Free entrance for individuals and families from 18.00 until 24.00.

Museum of Post and Telecommunications in Polhov Gradec:
19.00: Through the museum on a hobby horse, workshop for children (6+) and families
20.00: Guided tour of the museum collections

Free entrance for individuals and families from 18.00 until 22.00.

Browse the program booklet of all participating institutions

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