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You are kindly invited to the opening of the temporary exhibition Every Millimetre Counts: Geodesy in Slovenia through time, on Wednesday, 18th May 2022, at 5 pm at the Depots of the National Museums in Pivka.

E geodeti

Intriguing and informative exhibition, Every Millimetre Counts, chronologically presents the milestones in the development of geodesy and explains concepts related to geodesy and cartography. It walks through the two-hundred-year history of the land cadastre in Slovenia and illustrates geodesy applications in practice. In our everyday lives, it is vital in construction, engineering, surveying, remote sensing, agriculture, research and study of cultural heritage, and, last but not least, in the military. This aspect is linked to the Park of Military History Pivka, the exhibition’s venue. In addition to panels and more than twenty geodetic instruments and other museum objects displayed in showcases, the exhibition also includes multimedia displays and a 3D interactive presentation of the contents. To bring geodesy and its professional terminology closer to the visitors, the exhibition’s authors have also created a glossary, which appeals to the younger audience with its exciting illustrations.

On display from 18 May to 18 December 2022 at the Depots of National Museums in Pivka.

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